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Ohio is the Most Important State in the Election

You all know about the primary elections coming up, but do you know why you should actually vote? Many people throughout the U.S. and Ohio do not submit their vote because they believe that it “won’t count.” However, those who are residents in swing states are some of the most useful voters, as swing states usually determine the final outcome. Swing states are states where the Electoral College does not have a set vote, so the Ohio Congress’ vote of the democratic or republican party deeply affects each election.

By having Ohioans vote, it creates the Ohio popular vote that influences the Electoral College vote. For example, if the majority of the Ohio voters vote democratically, the electoral votes will probably also be democrat. There are eighteen electoral votes that have a big impact of the final result.

Even though Ohio is not the largest state in the Union-California gets 55 electoral votes-it is one of largest states that consistently swings back and forth. No Republican in recent history has won the Office without capturing, making us the most important state in the Union!

Ohio is very important pertaining to elections, so be sure to encourage voting!

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