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Hi, STEMmie.  My friend has been experiencing troubles at home that are affecting their physical, so


Dear Runaway Friend,

Wow. This is a tough one. First off, I want to say good job for letting a counselor know what’s going on. That’s honestly the best thing that you could have done for your friend. Now, on the subject of her running away, I would just suggest talking to the counselor about it again. Sometimes, when we’re feeling hurt or troubled, we make rash claims. Running away is a very serious thing, and hopefully your friend was just making an in-the-moment statement. But because you don’t know for sure, the best thing I can recommend is to inform the counselor. They will be able to intervene and amend the issue. Remember, your friend might be mad at you for this. A lot of people are scared to get help, and feel embarrassed and upset that their friends have told people about their problems. Just know that in the end, you are only helping your friend and one day, they will be happy that you intervened. If you feel uncomfortable going behind their back, encourage them to seek help themselves. Perhaps offer to go with them to the counseling session if they are uncomfortable with the thought of talking to someone alone.

Also, I want you to be sure to pay attention to your mental health. I’ve found that sometimes when you stress out over someone else’s issues, you get equally as affected by it. So pay attention to how you’re feeling, and if you need, find someone to talk to about it. While it’s important to be there for your friend, be sure to look out for yourself too.

Best wishes, STEMmie

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