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Friend & Work Ethic

Q: All of my friends are just not very smart people. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but they just don't care about school. I don't know what I can do to fix this. I want them to work harder and be better, but I don't want to be pushy either. What do I do?

A;Dear Anonymous, Having your friends not care about something important is pretty unsettling. I understand you want them to do well, but also don't want to be too pushy. Something you can try to do is explain to them the importance of maintaining their grades. But also, sometimes its best to let people learn for themselves. Do your best to make them understand why grades are so important, but also, make sure you let them make their own decisions. It's not your place to act a parent, just be their friend! Good Luck!Sincerely, STEMmie

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