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STEM Events

Recently at DRSS, three major events happened throughout the school. These events were Hat Week, Blood Drive, and Car Wash. Although the events were hosted by different school organizations, they were all equally successful.

Hat Week took place throughout all of last week. Students were able to buy pieces of yarn for five dollars if they wanted the whole week, or two dollars if they just wanted the whole day. With the teacher’s permission, this allowed students to wear hats. All the money went to the National Honors Society (NHS) at DRSS. The next event NHS has planned is Pie Day. This event is a raffle, so students buy tickets, and if their ticket number gets called they are able to pie a teacher in the face. All of this is taking place this Thursday.

Blood Drive happened on last Tuesday and is hosted by Key Club. Students who get a permission form filled out by their parents are able to participate. The students donate blood to (place name). Every year, this event is always popular.

Car Wash happened on Saturday from 10am-12pm. The students hosted a free car wash for the public, however they accepted donations from anyone who wanted to donate. All the donations, which was about $196 dollars, went to Saint Jude’s Research Hospital.

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