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Students in Mrs. Meena’s Honors Algebra/ Trigonometry class are coming up with some great ideas for their math music video.

Instead of having the students complete a test for the last unit, Mrs. Meena decided to look on the creative side and have students create a music video based on the unit we had learned and some other math concepts as well. This created a much better alternative than the test because it was something that most of the students enjoyed working on.

To make sure that we understood the content, the teacher wanted us to incorporate specific concepts about matrices because it’s the last unit that we have worked on. Not only that, but she wanted us to make so sure that we had an understanding of the overall lessons we learned throughout the course of the school year.

For this project, students either reworded a song and related it to math or even started one from scratch. The teacher requested that the video has to be at least 5 minutes long and could not exceed 12 minutes.

Students had fun recording crazy dance moves and scenes to accompany the music. Some scenes may have been a little too crazy, but it just adds on to the creativity of the overall video. Mrs. Meena definitely wanted us to make sure that the video would be both educational and engaging. Having the students complete this project was a great way to end the school year for math, and I look forward to seeing what the other students completed for their project.

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