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第十三课说故事 : Lesson 13 – Speaking a Story

Recently, 11th graders taking College Credit Plus (CCP) Chinese completed a project where they made a story in PowerPoint using lesson 13 vocabulary. In this project, students wrote a story using any characters related to asking for directions. Some students, like Anjali Phadke, used her friends as characters. However, some students, such as Adya Panchal, used television show characters from The Flash.

There were requirements for this project, such as using certain vocabulary learned during lesson 13, such as 红绿灯. Hóng lǜ dēng is the pinyin for the characters mentioned previously. This means traffic light, however the literal translation is “red-green light.” Students were creative when making these slides by including these vocabulary words in any way they wanted. Some were creative in different ways such as Carrin Ragland and Christian Peters, who voiced every character in their PowerPoint.

This project actually replaced the lesson 13 test that was supposed to be given to students. Instead of taking a written test, CCP Chinese students were given the opportunity to make this PowerPoint presentation. This presentation not only tests students on their grammar and vocabulary, but also how well students can fluently speak the sentences. It helps assess how they are obtaining the information and how well they are orally learning. Learning how to orally speak Chinese instead of just knowing how to write it will help students in the future.

In the future, Chinese most likely will not be written with paper and pencil. It will be used through speaking to other people in the business world. Being able to speak Chinese in the future will definitely come in handy which is what this project assessed.

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