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The Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS) has a new club coming: HPAC. HPAC stands for the Health Professions Affinity Community. As a branch of the North Eastern Ohio University’s Medical School (NEO Med), HPAC is a new club that will focus on exploring careers in the medical field and projects that will benefit the DRSS community. HPAC is club that is branching out to schools in the Dayton area such as Stebbins, Belmont, and now DRSS.

This program will be for high school students only. Not only will students be able to explore jobs pertaining to health and medicine, they will also get the chance to help combat medical issues that they are passionate about in their own community chosen by them. For instance, if a student had asthma and was really passionate about bringing awareness to the condition by holding fundraiser, possibly a walk/run-a-thon. Students will also have the chance to visit medical schools and hear from people in the medical field helping to solidify their views toward becoming a health professional. One of the benefits of this new club is that each student will be able to do a project that they are passionate about. On Scholar’s Day, each spring, students will exhibit their projects to other HPAC groups from the Ohio area, at NEO Med in Northeastern Ohio.

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