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What's Better: Instagram vs. Snapchat?

I’m sure everyone knows by now what Snapchat and Instagram are, but the debate still remains: Instagram vs. Snapchat. If you do not know what either of these two social media outlets are: have you been living under a rock? Both provide great resources to show people you have a life by sending pictures to friends and uploading to your “story” or “page.” Each app, though, has its own special features that set it apart from its competitor.

Instagram made its debut in October 2010. The app allowed you to post selfies to your hearts content and stalk your exes. Now, it has transformed into an app that allows you to post live videos; slide into people’s DM’s (direct messages); add even more filter to your photo, so people can’t tell who you are; and even like someone’s comment. Wonder where Instagram got these ideas *cough* *cough* Snapchat, which debuted in September 2011, and Facebook. We can all agree that Instagram is great, but it’s all about the likes and followers: unless you have a “finsta” (fake Instagram) where you post photos for the heck of it and not to see how many likes you get. People want followers so badly on Instagram that they will pay money on apps to receive followers. In my opinion it’s not a fair trade-off, but some people live for it.

Snapchat is the real MVP because they allow you to make the stupidest faces in the world but still somehow look cute, thanks to their filters. Snapstreaks allow you and your friends to brag about how often you post to each other. Your story is a great way to show your friends that you have a life, by posting selfies with people and all the cool things you’re doing. Also, if you really want to annoy your friends on snapchat, you’ll post a 10 minute long story. I think that because of Snapchat’s dog, banana, and various other filters Snapchat is definitely the app for me.

In the end, I’m sure we can all agree that both are fun to throw shade at your friends or enemies because it’s an equal opportunity provider. But in my opinion, I think that Snapchat is the real winner because of the filters it provides, and, let’s be honest, Bitmoji is pretty great too. So go download snapchat if you haven’t already yet and show the world that you can post a “white-girl” photo too, with the dog filter.

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