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A Movement that Sweeps the Nation

Instead of spending the day at home for President’s Day, many people nationwide went out to protest Trump’s new administration. They changed President’s Day to “Not My President’s” Day. These protests occurred in more than two dozen major cities, some of which included Los Angeles, Dallas, and New York. Thousands of people took to the streets protesting his ban on Muslims, urging him to combat climate issues, and holding peaceful protests with influential speakers. These speakers included Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Sonia Ossorio, who runs the New York City chapter of the National Organization for Women.

These rallies were organized by Olga Lexell, a member of Facebook, who created the Facebook invites and planned the protest at LA’s city hall. She also recruited volunteers to set up rallies in New York and Chicago. Many protesters assembled outside of Trump International Hotel and Tower in New York and Chicago. Issues that caused people to flood the streets of Chicago were immigration, funding for science and arts programs, and reproductive rights. 11th grade student, Bri Perkins, says, “I think marches to protest Trump’s presidency is good. Marching is a form of peaceful protest which causes conversation to happen.”

For the sake of America’s future, I hope that protests will continue to be peaceful with a purpose, further helping our country unite in a time of distress. “Many hands make light work,” quoted from John Heywood.


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