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The Dream From Last Night

Tell me about the dream from last night.

The world is the same but not, and you are the center, the protagonist, the Important One.

You are warned, not of the dragon but of Prince Charming, right before you’re locked in your tower.

Bruises bloom across your hands but still you can’t get out.

Tell me about how you fell in love.

When you escaped and explored the world like it was brand new because it was.

How Prince Charming was really the dragon, but you loved him anyway.

That the prince was after you, but it didn’t matter because you are the princess.

You are the princess, and you are safe.

Tell me about when you wake up, and you are no longer in love.

How you learned what falling out of love is like.

About how you threw up butterflies and put petals back on flowers.

When the memories became painful, and his name became sour in your mouth.

Tell me about the dream where you fall in love, and then you wake up.

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