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Portfolio Deadlines are Approaching

Portfolio deadlines are coming just around the corner. It is important to start playing around with your portfolio and revising based on the criteria that your grade level has. If you don’t know what a portfolio is, you are in major trouble. Portfolios are basically DRSS’s version of a final exam. Students explain how different endeavors in each of their classes taught them about skills, qualities, or classroom terminology to develop their growth. For each grade, students write entries and include “artifacts” (pictures, drafts, or testimony) that supports their claim of growth. For example, if a student claims they grew in their ability to revise tests, they can show their revisions at the beginning of the year and their revisions at the end of the year to portray the difference.

Since portfolios will be graded soon, here is some advice from fellow DRSS juniors about what to do and what not to do on your portfolio entries.

Gloria stated, “Don’t wait until the last minute to write entries. Get feedback from your friends.”

McKenna stated, “Give yourself at least a week in advance.”

Aidan stated, “Don’t procrastinate.”

My best advice is to establish what each of your entries will be and what artifacts will go along with the entries. Once you do this, you can simply start scanning in your artifacts and adding your entries to the website.

If you need extra help, click on this link, , which will take you to the portfolio handbook. Have fun completing and turning in your portfolios!

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